In an industry characterized by remote job sites and delays, construction companies struggle to manage jobs and operations with a focus on profitability. Our CEO offers insights learned by our customer, Vulcan Materials, that highlight how digital systems can streamline operations, improve quality of decision-making through access to up-to-date information, and ultimately reduce job costs.
Ever had a digitization project go off the rails and wondered what you might have done to lead the change more effectively? Good leaders self-evaluate and always look for better ways of accomplishing tasks—especially when projects don’t turn out as planned. So what leadership skills are critical to improving our ability to guide imaging and business process automation projects?
Did you know that the average IT project runs 45% over budget, 7% over time AND delivers 56% less value than expected? Find out how to improve the likelihood of ECM implementation success and managing change in the second article in our multi-part leadership series.
Our Director of Sales, Sean Morris contributed to this Industry Week article about ECM for manufacturers in the export market. Digitization is vital for efficiency, accuracy, and global regulation compliance.
Congratulations to Dana Cunningham with Digitech Systems’ reseller NECS for being selected a “Difference Maker” in the imaging industry by ENX magazine.
Did you know 60% of technology projects fail due to people and change management? Learn to recognize typical responses to change and what you can do to improve user adoption and acceptance. Read the first article in our leadership series on managing change and look for more to come.
Selling software offers VARs a great way to provide end-to-end solutions for common business problems. Check out this list of tips if you’re new to the software marketplace.
What major changes happening now will transform the document management landscape over the coming years? Would you believe Artificial Intelligence will play a big role – now and well into the future.
Technology can help healthcare providers improve practice efficiency and stay focused on patient care and results. Find out how Digitech Systems leverages artificial intelligence to assist doctors with medical records challenges.
Do you like your doctor? Turns out 96% of us trust their medical skills, but hate the customer service they provide! ECM can streamline patient care and improve customer service by bridging the gap between paper records and an EMR. At MHCD, they’re saving more than $225,000 annually thanks to the practice efficiencies created by their ECM and EHR combo.