
Today’s business world requires businesses to have technologies and processes in place that help their employees get the job done, no matter where they may be working from. Read this write up on how CASO Document Management was able to help their customer quickly enable telework across their entire organization and boost productivity by an astounding 400% by implementing a solution of Context scanners and ImageSilo.

How can you evolve from consultant to solution provider?

Learn how offering the PaperVision® product suite enabled this business owner to evolve his business from selling print hardware services, to providing high caliber clients with comprehensive A-to-B, creation to destruction, enterprise content management (ecm) solutions.

How do you Plan on Growing Your Business with Automation?

This construction company story showcases the benefits of migrating large work order files to ImageSilo® and advancing scanning capabilities with PaperVision® Capture. Edwards, Mooney, and Moses’s team streamlined their business processes, saving time and money while building new projects.

The purpose of the District Clerk is to record and preserve the acts and preceding of the district court.

How Will Eliminating Paper Improve Your Government Office?

Universal City, Texas experiences improved efficiency with PaperVision® Enterprise.

Are Your Organizations' Records Safe From Disaster?

San Antonio River Authority (SARA) is able to protect their documents from natural disaster, improve access to information and save money with PaperVision® Enterprise!

How Can Intelligent Automation Cut Scanning Times?

After implementing PaperVision® Capture, Contego Information Management has reduced scanning times by over 50% and saved $500,000 in operating expenses.

What if Your Nonprofit Could Improve Business Processes?

Donations are the lifeblood of non-profit organizations, and the Alzheimer’s Association uses ImageSilo® to streamline donations processing. Allowing them to convert contributions into programs, getting help to those affected much more quickly.

The Gnomon School of Visual Effects Games and Animation is an educational institution dedicated to preparing students with the technological skills needed for careers as visual effects artists in the entertainment industry.

How Does Electronically Managing Documents Boost Staff Productivity?

With PaperVision Enterprise®, Federal White Cement reduces document retrieval times from hours to seconds and improves operating efficiency.